2021文化財ウィーク電子展示資料解説p.8(21) 「安政地震時における富裕な町民による施業物資の明細です。近世の災害時、幕府による被災窮民への救済事業は、御救小屋(おすくいごや)の開設、炊き出し、御救米付与などが行われました。それに並行して、主に都市においては、富裕層が私的に金銭や食料を施行することが慣例化していました。今でいう義捐金や救援物資の寄付に当たります。米、味噌、茶を始め、ふかし芋、沢庵、らっきょう、下駄、打ち身薬などが見えます。(List of Goods Donated to Disaster Relief Shelters)This is an itemized list of goods provided by wealthy townsfolk at the time of the Ansei Earthquake. It lists relief supplies such as rice, miso, and tea, as well as footwear, medicine for treating bruises, and other items. The Shogunate's aid efforts for disaster victims included the establishment of temporary shelters known as osukui goya, as well as provision of meal services and relief rations of rice. At the same time, mainly in the central city areas, it became customary for wealthy private households to donate cash and food. These were equivalent to the relief funds and aid supplies of the present day.」,『古書錦絵展』図録解説p.18「御救小屋を通して罹災者に寄せられた見舞金や見舞品の数々を記したもの。 1冊 安政2刊(1855)」