『双六』図録解説p.8「幕府の出版統制は早くからしばしばなされたが、はっきり1枚絵と草双紙を対象としたのは寛政2年で「改め」の実施が申し渡された。以後この制度は変遷しながら明治初期まで続くが、天保13年の改革では、役者・遊女・芸者などを扱うことや八遍摺以上の多色摺を禁じ、上包は墨摺にするなど地本関係にも大打撃を与えた。水野の失脚後取締りはゆるんだが、版元・絵師も暫くは危険を避けたらしく、勢い弘化・嘉永初期には歴史物などが多く制作された。双六も、堅い教訓物はこの期に多いようである。当図に女今川の「自をいましむ制詞条々」23条の内20条を選び双六にしたもので、例えば「大事をも弁(わきまへ)なく打とけ人にかたる事」には「井戸端」とし、女達が井戸端会議に花を咲かせる様子が描かれている。内容は教訓的であるが、禁止条項を絵にしたところが皮肉でもある。(Kyōkun sugoroku (type of board game with a moral tale) for women)The publishing of books was often controlled by the shogunate government from an early stage, but after 1790, nishikie (color-printed ukiyoe woodblock print), kusazōshi (a genre of woodblock printed illustrated literature) and other printed materials came to be stamped to indicate that they had been subject to censorship. After that, this system continued until the mid-19th century while undergoing revision. But in the 1830 reforms, the system became stricter, and the depicting of actors, prostitutes and geisha girls in printed materials was prohibited, as was the use of more than eight colors in woodblock prints. Enforcing of the rules was relaxed after the downfall of Mizuno, but both publishers and artists avoided taking risks for a while, leading to the publishing of numerous books on history around the 1840s. Many of the sugoroku from around this time too, were solemn based on moral tales.This sugoroku consists of 20 provisions extracted from the 23 "Provisions to caution oneself" taken from "Onna Imagawa," a book of moral codes for women. For example, women gossiping without a care in the world is illustrated by women chatting by a well. Although the sugoroku tells moral tales, it is also ironic that prohibited acts have been depicted as pictures.」