2003文化財ウィーク(71)「万延元年(1860)本丸御殿造営に際して、御座之間で行われた釿始・鍬始・柱立の儀式に関する図。安政6年(1859)に焼失した弘化度御殿の再建工事は、万延元年3月に着工、中奥・御座之間の予定地で釿始の儀式が行われた。当図は、各儀式の場所や飾り付けを示す。釿始は、格式の高い建物の作事の場合だけに行われるもの。展示資料70とともに、一連の儀式を具体的に知ることができる珍しい資料である。(Diagram of Gozanoma, the room where tea was prepared, Haginorōka, and the restroom of Edo Castle Honmaru)This is a diagram showing the rituals that were performed in 1860 in Gozanoma before construction work began on Honmaru Goten. Work to reconstruct Goten after it was destroyed in a fire in 1859 began in 1860. These rituals were performed at the site of the planned Nakaoku and Gozanoma. The diagram shows the locations and decorations of each ritual. A hatchet is used to begin this ritual, and it is only performed in the construction of prestigious buildings. Along with No.70, it is a rare document that offers a peek into the specific nature of these rituals.」,2003文化財ウィーク(80)「万延度本丸御殿の中奥、御座之間の平面図。黒書院の北側の区域、中奥には、将軍が日常生活をおくり政務を執る御殿がある。将軍の居間として使われた御座之間は、裏手にお茶所を設置し、萩之廊下脇に御用場(トイレ)がある。御用場は、大小とも2畳で、2枚の杉戸で隔てられ、床は板張りだった。御座之間は奥の応接室で、老中などとの面会にはこの部屋が使われた。In Nakaoku, the area to the north of Kuroshoin, was the Goten where the shogun lived his everyday life and engaged in official business. The Gozanoma, used as a living room by the shogun, had a tea-ceremony room at the back, and the restroom was located beside Haginorōka. Both the restrooms for defecating and urinating measured 3.3 square meters. They were partitioned with two sliding doors, and had wooden floors. The Gozanoma was a drawing room at the back of the building, and it was used for meetings with the members of the shogun's council of elders.」